Monday, 23 January 2012

beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder!

beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder!

Agree to disagree or raise a point of concern; not all creatures are beautiful!
Some may say God's creation is beautiful; some may say beauty is an opinion
Well, here is my opinion: 

(got my eyes on you)

You (monitor lizard) get the hairs at the back of my neck all standing in microseconds!
Here is the order: 
see you+ freeze+ hairs standing+ stomach stiff+ wobbly knees=less than a second

somehow I still managed to hold the camera steady and get a snapshot of you.pat on my back :-)

Funny thing, someone somewhere admires you.I guess you too admire yourself

staring at you isn't helpful; someone convince me he/she is a beauty!clearly I wasn't going to dare to investigate the gender

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

mama aint here

Turning two this month.
my baby...

still very young; drinking litres of milk every 3 hours; blanket cover for warmth because mama aint here.

Mama aint here because of inhuman humans.they killed her.but all is not lost...someone saved her! the humane humans care and support.

She is now safe & happy. she has many siblings & mothers.
see the permanent smile on her pretty face?

Such a beauty!

Monday, 16 January 2012

love at first sight!

love at first sight!
the beautiful feathers; the ninja look; the strength; so colourful; looking peaceful

The bateleur!
The wild!